How to Unpack After Moving into A New Home
Have you recently moved into a new home or apartment? Are you left staring at a pile of cardboard boxes, wondering where to begin?
My Tucson Movers has some helpful tips to make your next unpacking adventure quick and easy.
Step 1: Get Motivated
So, you have packed up all of your belongings, made it through the dreaded “moving day” and are now getting ready for the last phase of your move: unpacking.
How do you find the motivation for unpacking after moving when you are already exhausted and overwhelmed?
To avoid having boxes cluttering your home for too long, start by making an unpacking calendar with manageable short-term unpacking goals. This will help you organize your time effectively and keep you on track without feeling overwhelmed.
Step 2: Inspect Your Boxes
The very first unpacking step is to inspect your boxes carefully and make sure that every item made it to your destination and is accounted for.
If there is a missing box or item, you want to be sure to contact your movers right away to avoid any losses.
Step 3: Sort Your Boxes by Room
After a long exhausting day of moving the thought of unpacking can be a real drag. For this reason, it is important to have a plan in mind and unpack your boxes purposefully.
If you have hired professional movers to help you unload your belongings, don’t forget to request that all of your boxes and furniture are placed in their appropriate destination rooms. This will save you and your family from having to do this on your own, which can be frustrating and time-consuming.
Step 4: Start with The Essentials
We recommend that you start by unpacking the items you know you will need first- including bathroom, bedroom and kitchen basics.
This is important because it will allow you to comfortably eat, sleep and bathe in your new home. Leave the non-essentials, like storage and garage items for last.
Unpack Your Bedroom
Unpacking your bedroom should be a top priority.
If your house or apartment is not pre-furnished, you should begin by assembling your bed so that you can avoid sleeping on the floor and ensure a good first night’s sleep in your new home.
Once that is finished, set out some clothing that you wear often and leave decoration and other bedroom items for later.
Set Up Your Bathroom
Unpacking your bathroom won’t take up a lot of your time, and you will be glad that you did it.
Start by giving your new bathroom a thorough cleaning. Next, assemble your shower curtain set out some towels and toiletries and voila- you are done here!
Make Your Kitchen Functional
Much like bedrooms, kitchens can take a long time to fully unpack.
For this reason, your immediate goal should be to make your kitchen functional for the time being.
We recommend unpacking and setting out only the absolute essentials like kitchen appliances and organizing the remainder of your kitchen items including- utensils, dishes, and glassware- in the following days.
Living Room, Garage, Etc.
You may want to consider professional help when it comes to moving large, heavy items like living room furniture and couches.
Be sure to have a good idea of where you want each item located within your home to avoid having to move items again later.
Smaller decorative items as well as garage and storage items can be left for last since these are not a functional priority. However, do not put off unpacking the rest of your items for too long or you may find your home cluttered with boxes for months.
Let My Tucson Movers Help You!
By applying our tips, you should feel more at ease about unpacking your next move. However, if you still need help or want to save your time and energy you can count on My Tucson Movers.
If you’re interested in learning more about what our team can do for you, contact My Tucson Movers today for a FREE moving estimate at (520) 822-6140.